Parish Hall.
Phone: 087 646 0412 / 087 125 2270
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.facebook.com/24th-Kildare-Carbury-Scouts-1617200811888132/
Carbury Scouts is a voluntary group working with the youth in the community, now entering their fifth year.
The aim of Scouts is to encourage the social, physical, intellectual, character, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they may achieve their full potential as responsible citizens, to improve society. They currently have about 45 youth members ranging in age from 6 up to 15 and some of these members have been with them for the full 5 years. At present there are 6 adult volunteer leaders and 2 parent helpers (all of whom have Garda clearance and some training in child protection) who help out week after week and make the above aims possible.
The group endeavours to camp at least once a year for the younger kids and as many times as possible with the older ones. Last summer they went to Wales and this summer to Inismore with the older Scouts. Both camps were extremely successful and great memories were made for both leaders and youth members alike. This year they plan to climb the 500 steps in Glendalough and the Sugar Loaf, along with canoeing and other adventure activities which they will let the scouts plan for themselves.
Meetings take place on Wednesday evenings in the Parish Hall:
- Beavers age 6yrs to 8/9yrs from 6.30pm – 7.30pm,
- Cubs age 8/9yrs to 11/12yrs 6.30pm to 7.45pm
- Scouts 11/12yrs to 15yrs from 8pm to 9.30pm