Knock Shrine


have released details of their upcoming summer events, with a special focus on bringing families and young people to the national Marian shrine. The list of events will include the annual Family Focus Week, which takes place from Monday 10th  July to Saturday 15th  July, along with a number of summer camps for young children.


The summer events will begin with a Knock Youth Ministry summer camp which will take place from 3rd to 7th  July in The HUB. This fun-filled summer camp invites 7‒11 year olds to join for art and crafts, sports, prayers, music and dance and much more.


The annual Family Focus week will take place at the Knock Family Centre from 10th to 15th of July. The week-long series of events aims to help families deal with challenging family issues, including overcoming addiction, keeping faith in difficult times, and coping with grief.

Each day will include workshops and guest speakers on a number of family topics, as well as Mass and time for reflection. During the week there will also be a special focus on Laudato Si’ and practical ways to respond to climate change in our daily lives.


On Friday 14 July, youth volunteers from Knock Shrine will also give a presentation on their experiences, entitled youth volunteers from Knock Shrine will also give a presentation on their experiences, entitled ‘Celebrating Faith in Young People’.