Lenten Reflection
There is no point in walking without a destination.
Lent is our journey with a goal. It points us to our destination.
But how do I reach you Lord and put my steps in yours?
I risk becoming self absorbed or running after distractions.
I might be tempted to go in another, less demanding direction.
Renew in me today the call of my baptism.
Orient my life towards the Easter Sun which cuts through the fog, clearing my path.
In the Lenten season that awaits, may your Word be a light for my footsteps.
May I enter into that still place where I may meet you on my walk.
Things to know about Lent:
- Lent exists for the sake of Easter! It is the forty-day period of preparation for the Church’s celebration of Easter. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (this year, March 1) and ends before Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday (this year, April 13).
- Lent has six Sundays (Palm Sunday being the sixth Sunday.) There is a double focus in Lent – baptism and penance. It is the final stage of preparation for adults who will be baptised at the Easter Vigil. For those of us already baptised it is a time to recall our baptism and prepare to renew it at Easter.
- Lent calls us to a time of self-reflection, penance, and turning back to God as we ready ourselves to renew our baptism. It is a time to reflect on God’s word to us in our lives today, to pray, fast and reach out to others in charitable action.
- We can look at Lent as a communal journey of the Christian community back to God…our annual retreat culminating in the joy of Easter.