Welcome back to mass. Mass times are as follows Derrinturn week mornings 10am, Saturday morning 10am and 7.30pm on Saturday night. 11am on Sundays. Kilshanroe Wednesdays 10am, Saturday night 7.30pm and Sunday morning 9.30am. Parishioners are advised to come early and co-operate with the stewards, who will show them to their seats. Every family may sit together. Every second seat will be closed off. The main door is for entering and the two side doors are for exiting. Appropriate markings will be in place to help with social distancing, the church collection cannot be carried out. People are asked to place their envelope or offering in the church boxes as they enter the church. The dispensation from Sunday and holyday obligation is extended for the time been. It is important that people who are vulnerable or unwell, to stay at home and watch through Facebook and Webcam at this time. The church will be sanitised after each mass, you are requested to sanitise your hands-on entering and exiting the church. The hand sanitisers are clearly marked at the porches. Face masks may be worn if desired. We will review these guidelines to ensure best practice. With the capacity of the churches been only 50 people at the moment we may not be able to cater for everyone and if we reach this number at a mass people may have to sit in their cars or stand outside if weather permits. We are guided by the Irish Bishops document frame work for the return to mass and the national public health guidelines. Please be patient with us as we get our churches up and running again. Thank you, and again welcome back.