Message from Fr Fitzpatrick PP about the Field Day


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Field Day: A large crowd came to the field day. The Pattern of Carbury is now a moveable feast. This year it was held on the 15th of July, which is St Swithin’s Day. You know what they say, if it rains on St Swithin’s Day it will rain for another 40 days. Well it did rain. When we came out after 8am Mass it was coming down and stayed at it all day. It was a happy sight for the farming community, perhaps not so much for the Field Day Committee or the ice cream man or the scouts’ burger tent or the bouncy castles.

We were lucky to have the use of the G.A.A premises. It ensured the patrons could walk around without the use of an umbrella! All the stalls did a brisk trade including the wheel of fortune – fortunate for some and not so fortunate for others. A massive amount of work went into the day. There was a huge clean up afterwards and the hall was left spotless. Thanks to all who contributed in any way with time, effort or money. The total raised was  €6,495. It will help with the renovation of Kilshanroe church due to start the  first week in August.  Your efforts are much appreciated. God bless everyoneFr John Fitzpatrick P.P.