Novena in honour of the Holy Family



 Carbury Parish has been very privileged in obtaining the Kildare and Leighlin Diocesan Petition Box for the World Meeting of Families for a Parish Novena to the Holy Family from Monday 7th of May to Tuesday the 15th of May 2018. The Novena will begin with 9.30am Mass in Derrinturn on the 7th of May. We will have the petition box in the church from early afternoon for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It will be in Newbridge Parish with the Icon for this weekend until the final Mass for the Icon’s visit to our area at 11am on Monday 7th of May. It will also be present at Mass in Derrinturn on Tuesday 8th of May. On Wednesday Morning it will move to Kilshanroe Church for Mass and Adoration and also for Saturday Mass at 7.30pm. It will be in Derrinturn Church for all other Masses. The official prayer for World Meeting of Families will be said at Masses during the Novena.

At Thursday morning Mass we will be joined by St. Conleth’s N.S. for a special Mass in honour of St. Francis of Assisi. There will blessing with the relic afterwards. We would like to thank Sr. Anastasia and the Missionary Franciscan Sisters of Littlehampton in Knock for their kindness in lending this relic to the Parish for the last few years. It has brought consolation to many sick people, in particular. There will be Family Rosary in Derrinturn Church on Sunday 13th May at 3 p.m.